Remaining Service Life
Our RSL service provides an estimate of the remaining service life of a structure based on the current rate of deterioration or distress. This assessment facilitates making proper decisions regarding the structure’s repair and maintenance strategy.
- RSL Objectives
- Evaluate Current Condition of Bridge Elements
- Predict Future Deterioration Rate
- Predict the Remaining Service Life before reaching to an unacceptable level of deterioration
- Provide Repair Recommendations
- Assess Life-cycle cost based on various repair alternatives

- Field Sampling and Testing
- Provide Bridge Access Equipment
- Coring
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Determine Concrete Cover Depth
- Avoid Damaging reinforcement
- Spall and Delamination Survey
- Half-Cell Potential Testing
- Surface Resistivity Testing
- Laboratory Test
- Chloride Content
- Petrographic Examination
- Carbonation Test
- pH of Concrete
- Compressive Strength
- Stiffness Damage Test (SDT)
- Surface Resistivity Test

- RSL Analysis
- Establish Chloride Profile
- Predict the time for corrosion initiation and propagation
- Consider Alkali-Silica Reaction and Freeze-thaw Damage
- Estimate Remaining Service Life based on:
- NCHRP Report 558
- Life 365 Software
- Study Various Repair/Maintenance Alternative
- Perform Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- Provide Recommendations