Pavement Engineering
As a core service area since the company’s inception, AID has performed Pavement Evaluation and Design services on thousands of miles of roadways as well as numerous airfields in the northeast region and NY/NJ metropolitan areas.
Addressing this important transportation asset, AID strives to provide scientific yet practical solutions for maintaining our aging infrastructure in a “state of good repair”. Servicing state, county, municipal, and toll authority agencies, AID offers the latest in cutting edge condition assessment and design (AASHTO Pavement-ME in addition to the 1993 AASHTO Guide) through use of state-of-the-art, Non-Destructive Testing technologies (LCMS, GPR, FWD, and Inertial Profiler), ground truth testing (coring, augering, and DCP), and laboratory testing of materials. Our pavement design team employs techniques and tools to develop engineered solutions that optimize upfront and life-cycle costs, design life, constructability, traffic, environmental, and utility impacts, and sustainability.
Comprehensive Field Testing
- Functional (LCMS) Assessment
- Automated/Semi-Automated/Manual Distress Surveys
- Roughness (IRI), Rut Depth, & Surface Texture

- Structural (FWD) Assessment
- Backcalculation of Layer Stiffness
- Evaluation of Joint Condition
- Thickness Survey (GPR)
- Coring, Augering, DCP

Sustainable Solutions

- Perpetual Pavement
- In-Place Recycling
- Full-depth Reclamation (FDR)
- Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR)
- Hot In- Place Recycling
- Rubblization
- Pavement Preservation
- Porous Pavement
- Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
- Life-Cycle Cost Assessment & Cost Analysis (LCA/LCCA)
- Forensic Investigations
- Specification Developent